I Wanna Be

For the past year have been working on ‘ I wanna be’ project. For this project I photograph children of primary and secondary school age and ask them ‘What they want to be when they grow up?’. Children write their answers straight on their portraits! 

This project is a fun way to make beautiful memories and also a good way to document children’s dreams. Only imagine looking at you child’s portrait in ten years time! But the most important reason why I started this project was to help other less fortunate children to get so much needed education.

In exchange for pictures (you will get at least 5 digital images), I ask for a small donation of £20 for Everyday Refugees Foundation. This money will be used for funding education for Afghan refugee children in Pakistan. I started this project because I strongly believe that photography can make a difference and all the children are our future. 

This project is ongoing and I am still looking for more children to photograph. During the summer I will be photographing children in my studio in Gloucester (Linden). If you would like to join the project just let me know! All children are very welcome!